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The Gong Show! #ELXN43

Rob Snow

A random collection of thoughts on Canada's 43rd general election campaign.

Day 2: (pre-debate)

The Gong Show was an amateur talent contest, not unlike the early days of this election campaign.

Party leaders try to stage carefully choreographed announcements that will cut through the TV and Twitter clutter. Meanwhile the campaign amateurs are auditioning for a knife juggling contest.

Andrew Scheer has been running from the abortion issue faster than a five-legged dog. So it was odd an choice to show up in York Centre, where the Conservative Party's candidate wants 'a monument to the unborn.' Did Mr. Scheer think the Liberal Party wouldn't notice?

“I’m going to make a prediction. They are going to continue to do this for 39 days because they are desperate to change the channel on their scandals and corruption,” Scheer said.

If he knows that, why does he make it so easy?

Two days in and Mr. Singh is losing NDP candidates faster than he can sign them up. One candidate quit because he "doesn’t want to be a distraction" after being accused of domestic abuse. Another called it a campaign because of "problematic" social media posts. "They are no longer candidates," Mr. Singh said.

The Greens are down a candidate in Simcoe North. A old social media post was unearthed (how did we miss that?) showing a wannabe MP joking about sending pig carcasses to Muslims. "The Green Party has zero tolerance for....

Still, the early front runner in The Gong Show is the leader of the Liberal Party. Strange, since he's supposed to be the professional performer.

Mr. Trudeau has been tied in knots for two days over recent LavScam revelations. The Globe reported the RCMP is being blocked in attempts to interview witnesses, on the grounds of cabinet confidentiality.

Yesterday, Mr. Trudeau ducked under the coattails of the Clerk of Privy Council, muttering something about 'respecting the decisions of our professional public servants.' Trudeau found himself cornered today, as a reporter circled back asked why he didn't respect the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions, also a professional public servant.

"I will always stand up for jobs," Mr. Trudeau said. When cornered, just say jobs!

The Gong Show offered talentless misfits 45 seconds of fame. A few candidates in #elxn43 managed to stick around for two days. Sadly, the professionals never leave and some of them go on to run the country.

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